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06/2024 - White Paper ATZ International, "Weighing technology for laden and unladen light commercial vehicles"​


11/2023 - After-Work-Networking-Meeting Italienische Handelskammer, Stuttgart, Germany, "Italian Design and E-Mobility"


10/2022 - eMove360 Future Mobility Conference, Berlin, Germany, "Why hydrogen will play a relevant role as part of the future sustainable mobility and the contribution of Pininfarina"


10/2017 - 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Stuttgart, Germany, “Multi-speed transmissions for electric drives”


06/2017 - White Paper ATZ International, “Single-speed transmission for battery electric vehicles with 270 Nm input torque”


09/2016 - 4th Take a Breath, Ancona, Italy, "Challenges for the transmissions. Future requirements and development trends”


11/2013 - Automotive 48V Power Supply Systems, Frankfurt, Germany, “Experiences in the integration of 48V mild hybrid systems”


05/2013 - 27th CIMAC World Conference on Combustion Engine Technology, Shanghai, China, "Analysis & Evaluation of Innovative Hybrid Powertrain Architectures Combining Gas Engines & Electric Propulsion for Tugboats“


04/2012 - 33rd International Vienna Motor Symposium, Vienna, Austria, „Risks and Factors Influencing Raw Material Availability and Consequences for the Development of Future Automotive Power Trains“


11/2011 - VDI Conference, Baden-Baden, Germany, „Simulating noises and vibrations in electric drives“


03/2011 - White Paper MTZ, “Diesel-Hybrid-Antriebstrang für PKW und leichte Nutzfahrzeuge”


02/2011 - 11th Stuttgart International Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, “Development of a diesel hybrid powertrain for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles”


​​​​05/2010 - White Paper ATZ Extra, "Zukünftige Heavy-Duty-Emissionsvorschriften als Herausforderung für Dieselmotoren”


​03/2010 - 10th Stuttgart International Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, “Strategies for the worldwide race to CO2 reduction”


11/2009 - MTZ Conference – On-/Off-Highway Engines, Friedrichshafen, Germany, “Hybridisation in the marine market – Potential for yacht applications“


03/2009 - ECPE Seminar “More electric vehicles”, Munich, Germany, “Drive cycles of delivery vans (HyTrans)”


​​​01/2008 - 7th CTI Forum for Commercial Vehicle, Stuttgart, Germany, “Berechnung des Gegendruckverhaltens von komplexen Abgasnachbehandlungssystemen für Nfz-Anwendungen”


12/2007 - MTZ Conference – Heavy Duty Engines, Augsburg, Germany, “Vorauslegung von Abgasnachbehandlungssystemen für HDD-Anwendungen mit modernen Simulationstools”


09/2007 - 11th Conference "Der Arbeitprozess des Verbrennungsmotors“, Graz, Austria, “Recent developments in the Large Engine industry to reduce fuel consumption and emissions”


06/2007 - 7th Dresdner Motorenkolloquium, Dresden, Germany, “Entwicklung und Anforderungen an moderne Abgasnachbehandlungssysteme für Off-Highway-Anwendungen zur Einhaltung der Tier4i/Tier4-Emissionsgesetzgebung“


11/2006 - Conference „Heavy Duty-, schwere Diesel- und Großmotoren“, Munich, Germany, “Brennverfahren nach 2010 – Schwerpunkte von modernen Gesamtkonzepten für HDD“


​09/2006 - Conference „Neue Brennverfahren“, Berlin, Germany, “DPF-Systeme für Heavy Duty On Highway Anwendungen: Einsatzbedingungen zur Einhaltung der Emissionsgrenzen nach 2010”


​09/2004 - Small Engine Technology Conference (SAE Conference), Graz, Austria, “Development of a Lumped Parameter Model for the Dynamic Analysis of Valve Train Systems”


09/2003 - XXXII AIAS National Conference, Salerno, Italy, “Sviluppo di un modello a parametri concentrati per l’analisi dinamica di sistemi di distribuzione”

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